Sunday, December 30, 2012

One Mug Shot That Didn't Make Today's News: Santa Claus Is Booked.

A disgruntled toy maker protesting the end of Christmas was booked and then released on $199 bail.

Santa Claus, age unknown, was standing at a New York street corner in an attempt to halt Christmas decorations from being taken down after Dec. 25.

“Keeping Christmas decorations up year round is the new trend,” said Claus, clutching signs reading “I’m just sayin’, Christmas is 24/7” and “Tinsel Is Totally Timeless.”

It was the second arrest for Claus, who on Christmas Eve was stopped for failing to maintain his lane. No alcohol was found in his sleigh, despite police allegations that his lead reindeer, known only as Rudolph, had a red nose, usually an indicator of high alcohol consumption.  But a second charge stuck, with officers clocking Claus’s sleigh going 1,225 mph in a 70 mph zone. A speeding ticket was issued along with judge’s orders for Claus to perform community service wearing coat, hat and boots for three months in Key West, FL.

Claus, who is free on his own recognizance, told police he vows to return again.

Monday, December 24, 2012

Remembering: Sarasota National Cemetery

Two weeks ago, wreaths were placed on 5,170 graves at Sarasota National Cemetery. A visit yesterday touched our hearts. A lone man remembers and tries to find comfort.