Too big for a bun. Too small for a loaf.
Meet the bunloafa.
Usage: The bunloafa that came out the human’s bread maker made his 15.2 ounce-burger look like a meatball. (See "Buns Should Fit The Meat' in archives for context.)
A cat's occasional musings on nothing in particular.
No way the four-inch onion-toasted buns are going to hold a six-inch burger, much less lettuce, tomato and onion.
So the male human decides to bake his own burger buns in the oven.
He removes his homemade creations at the appointed time.
Not only are the buns big enough for a three-pound burger, but they could accommodate a bottle of beer as well. (See photo.)
Still, let’s give it a go. Grill is heatin’ up….