A friend convinced me I should be twittering during my astral flights, and I thought: Great idea! My blog centers on human socialization skills, so joining a “free social messaging utility for staying connected in real time “ seemed right up my cat alley.
After all, I’ve always admired that cute little bird Twitter uses. Anything bird gets my feline heart racing. So I took a deep kitty breath and signed up. Truthfully, I was a little nervous. I’m not fond of being a follower unless rodents or anoles are involved. But to have a following? I could get real used to that. I’ve only had two followers in my life, and they both still need extensive training on when to dispense snackies to fit my schedule.
I felt like a giant egret trying to take out a school of baitfish.
Who are all these people? Where did they all come from? Do they all really have something to say? I mean, as soon as I signed up, I had to block nine followers with creepy names. Are people really that lonely? Or that curious? They don’t even know me. But on the upside, I was snatching up Twitterers like a cat at a half-price Brie de Meaux sale. Wall Street Journal, Carly Simon, Tina Fey, President Obama, NPR News - so many enticing choices!
I may have to go on a Twitter diet after this.
This is way too interesting to bail out. It reminds me of passing notes in kittengarten when Mrs. Burmese wasn’t looking, hoping we wouldn’t get caught. And when she did catch us, she’d “block” our messages by wadding them up and throwing them in the litter basket.
Now all we do is push a button. If we want to.
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